Wednesday 30 December 2009


2009 was about...

The better half, now the only one
Bonds old and bonds new
Two weddings and one more
Half-decent photographs and a really good camera
40 books, a dozen too few
Turkey, Australia, Chiang Mai
Tioman and the Great Barrier Reef
Many a step, and many more miles
Of flatmates come and flatmates gone
The ghost of unemployment
The cholesterol no more
The Economist audio edition
A personal financial milestone
This blog

Not a cent in the stock market rebound
The unwritten book
Too little exercise
Not enough home-cooked food
Going to work, getting nowhere
Family sinews done, undone, redone
A language not learnt
A mountain not climbed
A life without music
An existence without a cause

Monday 28 December 2009

Friday 4 December 2009


It is finally here. Tomorrow. From here on, it will be our shared solitude. You and me, and the universe.

I am so happy we have arrived. Yet, the journey begins now. And, I am thrilled that I get to carry our bags.

I look forward to the beginning of the rest of our lives.

Mi amor.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Down Under

Was excellent. I have had my fill.

2300 km on the road. 7 flights. 65 hours and 4300 km on a train between the two great oceans. Diving in the Great Barrier Reef. Sydney, always special. Beautiful Adelaide of the Don. Rainforests, waterfalls, riversides, beaches, deserts, sheep stations, goldfields, wineries. Hamlets in the middle of nowhere, Cook, Forrest, Broken Hill. Sunrise and sunset. Uluru and Kata Tjuta. Kings Canyon. Backpackers. Daniel Huertas in seat R3. Walkabout. Wallabies and camels.

And, time with my little brother. Not so little any more.