Wednesday, 27 November 2013


in Vadodara.

This was a wrong bus to get on.

Saturday, 5 October 2013


Studies show that having children takes something out of the quality of married life.

Which is why evolution, in its infinite wisdom, gave emotions to this most rational of beings.

Like every parent before me and every one to follow, let me admit that there is just no word to describe the feeling of seeing your son make his first appearance into this perfectly reasonable world.

Welcome home Roshan!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


is already giving us a taste of the helplessness that will be our new normal as parents: taking his own sweet time for his debut and overwhelming us with the anticipation.

Take it easy, little one :) The world will wait!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Lesson for the day: leave the company before your godfather does.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


The Little Red Dot is now formally home.
Majulah Singapura!

Saturday, 7 September 2013


An interesting day.
I was hosting a recruitment talk on behalf of my firm at a business school.
On the same day, my wife got on to the admissions waiting list for the same school.
My brother got an offer from my firm.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


A rather accurate indicator of how routine work has become - the amount of time I spend on mindless internet surfing; same few websites in reflexive order: cnn, channelnewsasia, cricinfo, facebook, gmail, linkedin... with no objective or interest.

Time for a change. A toast to 10 years.

Monday, 15 July 2013


I have this feeling that I am naturally lazy. I am probably not one of those super-charged Energizer bunny rabbit types. If there is an obstacle to my momentum, more often than not, I willingly take it. Most people do, I guess. It is just that, right now, my work is filled with exceptions to that rule.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Thirty two

It's here. I feel neither older nor wiser, but happier.
This is not as dramatic as the 30, but this one is special for what lies ahead.
I will be a father in a few weeks, and they say that changes life more than anything ever will. For both of us.
I have made a simple resolution today that this is also the right time to let another idea germinate. For which I will allow nine months. For by then, it will be two years. And, the symbolism matters.
Family. Happiness. Balance.

- The stay-honest letter from myself.
- The get-real conversation with Kaushik.
- The special weekend at the Mandarin Oriental.
- The stirring speech from Ploy at her farewell dinner.

Now, I am all set.

Friday, 31 May 2013

Boiled eggs

That special week in Shanghai. A week where I realized again the true privilege of working for this firm. One week of leadership training, with remarkable leader peers, who could well be lifelong friends. The Shanghai Symphony Orchestra as a prop. Fortune 500 CEOs as facilitators. Flight scheduling games where the definitive frequent flyers failed.

More importantly, an opportunity to sit down and take stock. Others believe in me more than I do. I am constantly in a state of preparation, without ever being ready, which is ok. My passion is clear, though the end game is not. Happiness, family and balance matter to me most, followed by health and authenticity. I should continue making time for the little things that energize me in these areas - the boiled eggs at breakfast, looking through the lens and walking. Achievement, excellence, impact, etc., somehow did not even figure in that list.

My great pursuit at this moment is constant self-improvement. I should overcome the mindset of a time-bound graduation date from the firm, but figure out what my improvement objectives are and how I will determine that I have achieved them.

Life is about to change again. Oh, the joy of living. 


Recently, we crossed that depressing milestone of 400 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere.

The other day, I was discussing term life insurance with my agent. Is it sufficient if I cover myself until I am 60? That would be the year 2041.

It's strange. We pretend that life will be the same in 2041. It won't be.

Something more dramatic will happen in 2037. Well, our son will possibly graduate from college. But, more importantly, he will throw his graduation cap into an atmosphere that would have just breached a nightmarish 450 ppm CO2.

Nice legacy we will leave him.

That's just 24 years from now. 1 ppm every six months. 

Thursday, 25 April 2013


All good things must come to an end. Like all those helium balloons that eventually give up.

Today was that day at work. Dived from an absolute high to a pitiful low, all because of one person who I struggle to respect. My project manager. I hope I am wrong.

Open feedback is good when it works. Bad when his floodgates are open when it is both his turn to speak, as well as mine.


Friday, 5 April 2013


The miracle that is life.

Our own. In-womb somersaults included.

How life changes life!


...a year with the firm. It has been an amazing experience. I have grown and at this moment, I am loving it.
There are still ups and downs, but I am learning to accept and relish them. I should be grateful for her unflinching support and cheer-leading.

Actually, right now, I am just tired, sleepy, warm and wondering what to get for Friday lunch at the Book Cafe.

Life is good.

Sunday, 10 February 2013


This is what happens when you spend a very relaxed Christmas vacation together in a little seaside village called Concepcion. Yes, the Year of the Snake has started with the very best news for us. October 4, if all goes well. Life, for all practical purposes, is about to change.

I will never forget how, last weekend, the second bar on the home pregnancy kit confidently made its appearance launching us into shrieks and hugs. And how, a combination of unbelievable biology and astounding technology brought to us the little heartbeat in a life that is, as of now, the size of an orange seed.

A life that is going to consume us with the happiness that he or she will bring. Immediately after letting our family and closest friends know, our first step was to rush to our favorite bookstore and get our hands on a copy of "What to Expect When You're Expecting". Quite a lot, it seems.

It is going to be an interesting year. Work is going to be exciting and tough, as I will have to prove that what I claim to be my passion really is, and that I am ready to take on the responsibilities that I have always been asking for. Things are moving faster than I expected. 

It's time to take a deep breath, and just enjoy life for all its awesomeness.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013


has started with an interesting twist. I am happily stuck in Singapore, without a visa to Saudi Arabia, and it looks like I will just not have to go at all. It is a pity. I really enjoyed my time there - this was truly the watershed study that tried and tested me, made me cry and helped me come through thanks to a great team... we had so much fun. I would love for at least a short chance to say goodbye to the team, the client, the Emirates and the Saudi desert. A wonderful eight weeks. I won't forget the session with Nick, the breakthrough moment with Moraya, the 3-room office in my Grosvenor House suite, the trip to the Rub-al-Khali, the weekend with Appa, Don Painter and Julie's "wake-up" call.

It was a great year. One year since we spotted our home. New jobs for Julie and me. A year of self-discovery, mostly through work. Good health, great love and blessings all around. And, a perfect little holiday to the Philippines to sign it off. Sun, sand, Santa, submarine and sleep.

So, what do we hope for in 2013?

Abundant love and companionship.
Some luck on our little project.
Determination to be more responsible for our own health.
Maturity, composure, drive, pleasure and success at work. Some help on meeting the development milestones. After all, this is the second year of the average 2-year tenure.
Success for her in her next step.
Unbridled passion, perseverance and some guidance in making the dream happen.
Some time for the hobbies.
Some wisdom with the kitty.
The ability to enjoy the joy of living.

And, inevitably, some more grey hair.