Sunday, 10 February 2013


This is what happens when you spend a very relaxed Christmas vacation together in a little seaside village called Concepcion. Yes, the Year of the Snake has started with the very best news for us. October 4, if all goes well. Life, for all practical purposes, is about to change.

I will never forget how, last weekend, the second bar on the home pregnancy kit confidently made its appearance launching us into shrieks and hugs. And how, a combination of unbelievable biology and astounding technology brought to us the little heartbeat in a life that is, as of now, the size of an orange seed.

A life that is going to consume us with the happiness that he or she will bring. Immediately after letting our family and closest friends know, our first step was to rush to our favorite bookstore and get our hands on a copy of "What to Expect When You're Expecting". Quite a lot, it seems.

It is going to be an interesting year. Work is going to be exciting and tough, as I will have to prove that what I claim to be my passion really is, and that I am ready to take on the responsibilities that I have always been asking for. Things are moving faster than I expected. 

It's time to take a deep breath, and just enjoy life for all its awesomeness.

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